Tuesday, February 3, 2009

First Blog Ever

I have never written a blog before but people keep telling me I should be. I should start by introducing myself. I am a 28 year old female who currently resides in BC. I was not born here, nor would I ever choose to move here, but for the time being I am here.I was born and raised in the lovely town of Port Perry, Ontario. If you hate Ontario you should stop reading now. The reason that I am here now in BC is because my boyfriend at the time (now fiancée) got a great job offer and so we moved here. I think that there are 2 kinds of people who can live in BC. The homeless, and nature freaks.Do not get me wrong BC is beautiful, but like a supermodel it is very empty inside. There are benefits and downfalls to anywhere you live. But for this East coast girl the downfalls by far out weight the benefits.

BC does have a lot to offer, and the more time I am imprisoned here, the less I am disgusted by it. I have made some great friends here, and I have also started a new chapter of my life here. I know that BC will never be home, and most days when feel like I am trapped here, I look back at things, and realize that they have not been that bad. After all a prison is only as gray as you make it.